Holiday Programmes at the Space Centre

Holiday programmes

We don't run our own holiday programmes but we do welcome other organisations who bring their programmes for a visit.

What happens on the day

Booking a holiday programme group is just like bringing a large group of visitors on one of our public days. The children are free to explore the Space Centre, looking at displays and trying various interactive activities. This will hold the attention of most children for about two hours.

If you want to spend longer here, you are welcome to bring your own activities or we can organise an extra staff member to run additional activities. If you want to do this, please ask us well in advance.

Cost: The cost is the same as our standard rates, except that staff are free (up to a reasonable adult/child ratio).

Times / Numbers: Bookings can be made for any time of day or night. The maximum number of customers we can fit is 75, including your staff.

Food / Catering: We don't offer catering ourselves but you're welcome to bring your own food. We have a kitchen with a Zip for boiling water, a microwave oven, and tables and chairs for eating. If you want to use these facilities, please let us know before your visit.

Directions & Parking: See our map. Cars and vans can park on the grass beside the main building or on Whitmore Street. Buses can park on any of the three roads surrounding the Space Centre. Your bus driver may like to drive around the whole triangular block before choosing exactly where to park (it's a small block).

Health & Safety: Download our RAMS (PDF). Find more compliance information and documents here.

More Info...

  • There are two toilets in the main building. The female toilet doubles as the disabled toilet.
  • We have areas to store bags if required but it's a lot easier if you can leave these in your vehicle(s).
  • The building is accessible to wheelchairs.
  • Please let us know about any guests with special needs.
  • The centre will also be open to the public while you're here unless you book the entire venue (contact us if you want to do this).

To book a time:

Either use the online booking request form or contact us.